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GlossarySocial Listening

Social Listening

What is Social Listening?

Social listening is when you ‘listen’ or track conversations and trends on social media happening around your brand and your industry. It helps you to figure out why, where, and how the conversations are happening and narrow down what people think of your brand and the wider industry.

How do I start social listening?

You can start by following hashtags, brand mentions, competitor mentions, products, and keywords related to your business and industry. Then go through all the mentions and analyze the information to figure out a plan of action for your content plan. It can be something as simple as responding to a customer or potential customer or something as big as changing your entire brand strategy.

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Why is social listening important?

Social listening provides insight that can help you with future social media campaigns, improve your overall messaging and content strategy, and build more brand and influencer partnerships.

How to social listen effectively

  1. Listen for the right words and topics. Good social listening is all about choosing the best keywords for your brand.

  2. Listen in the right places. Figure out which channels your customers are active on and listen there.

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