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GlossarySERP (Search Engine Results Page)

SERP (Search Engine Results Page)

What is SERP (Search Engine Results Page)?

SERP (search engine results page) is the page that is returned by a search engine (such as Google) after a user enters a search query.

Paid ads vs organic listings on a SERP

On a SERP, a user will usually see both organic and paid listings returned as search results. Paid ads are typically placed at the top of a SERP and feature there as the web owner has paid to have their webpage appear when a certain keyword or search term has been entered into the search bar. An organic listing is a web page that appears because it has the most relevant information to the search term – this is usually achieved by SEO (search engine optimization) on the part of the website owner.

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How to increase your search ranking

If you want your webpage to rank higher on the SERP, here are some top tips:

  1. Identify relevant keywords with good search traffic

  2. Create high-quality content and optimize it for search engines and users – add the relevant keywords to your content

  3. Link building. Having links to your website from other sites is an indication to a search engine that your site could be important

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