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GlossarySearch Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

What is Search Engine Optimization (SEO)?

SEO (Search engine optimization) is the process of increasing the volume of unpaid (organic) traffic to a webpage from search engines. The aim of SEO is to optimize your website’s technical configuration to improve it’s position when it comes to search engine ranking – the higher your website/ webpage appears on the search engine, the more likely people are to see it.

Why is SEO important?

Search engines are designed to deliver the best, most relevant content to their users as quickly as possible. By ensuring your website is SEO optimized, with relevant keywords that relate to your business or service, the more likely search engines are to pull up your web pages when a user is looking for something specific. Traffic from search engines is usually very specific and high-intent – many people have commercial intent meaning that they are searching to buy something, so having your website ranking highly is likely to bring you sales.

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How to improve your SEO?

  1. Identify relevant keywords with good search traffic (what keywords relevant to your brand are people searching for).

  2. Create high-quality content and optimize it for search engines and users – add relevant keywords to your content (such as blog posts and web pages).

  3. Link building is an important aspect of SEO. Having links to your website from other sites is an indication to a search engine that your site could be important. For example, if your brand was included in an article on the CNN website with a link, search engines see this as a positive and it can increase your SEO rank.

What factors can impact your SEO ranking?

Page/ site speed – search engines expect your website to be fast loading.

Mobile friendly – If search engine traffic is coming to your site via mobile searches, the search engine will expect your site to be mobile friendly, if it is not, it can negatively impact your rank.

Duplicated content – search engines do not want to see duplicated content. If you copy text from one page to another, the search engine will pick this up and it can lower your rank.

Links and redirects – broken links can affect your referral traffic. Redirects can also harm your ranking so try as much as possible not to move your site's content from one URL to another.

Site navigation – your website navigation is one of the main ways that search engine crawlers are able to find and crawl through your content. Ensuring that your site is user-friendly with well-structured navigation, including breadcrumbs, is important. 

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