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social media pitch deck pdf template
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Social Media Pitch Deck PDF

Pitching your social media services to a new client or business? You will need a social media pitch deck to present to them! It’s a hard one to get started but once you’ve got it completely nailed down, you will “wow” all of your future potential clients. If you’re ready to start pitching new clients in the most effective way possible, you’ll need the best social media pitch deck and this is how to do just that.

What is a social media pitch deck?

When it comes to your social media work and pitching to a client, putting together a good pitch deck is key! A pitch deck is a presentation that you can give to your potential client that gives a quick overview of what you can actually do for them! 

However, not all social media pitch decks are created equally—depending on who you’re actually presenting to and what you’re wanting to get out of pitching to the specific client. 

What are you wanting to show this client about your social media experience? How are you wanting to win over this person? These are essential things to think about when getting started with your social media pitch deck.

Who is the social media pitch deck for?

This social media pitch deck is for social media freelancers and agencies who would like to pitch their social media services to future clients.

Why do you need a social media pitch deck?

A social media pitch deck is important to show off your skills, everything you can provide to your future client, and showcase other people you have served. Having a social media pitch deck will give your future clients a better understanding of what they will receive when they hire you.

How do you build a social media pitch deck

Okay, sweet! You’ve got a general concept and now it’s time to actually figure out how to outline your pitch deck. What should be included? How should you create it? Let’s start putting it together:

1. Introduce yourself

This is the opening slide! Do a nice clean image, present yourself, and list your services in a single sentence.

2. Table of contents

Give an overview of what you’re going to be presenting in the pitch deck! It makes it easier for people to understand what’s coming up, and skip ahead to what they want if it’s sent digitally. 

3. About your company

Introduce yourself and your team on who you are and what you do. It’ll make for a great selling point if you have a fun, unique story to really sell yourself.

4. What are your services

Explain and describe the services you provide. Be sure to make the services personalized for the client that you’re presenting to. 

5. Social proof

Highlight the brands you’ve worked with in the past with reviews and testimonials from your clients. If you have any accolades or awards you’ve won, you should highlight them here as well!

6. Pricing page

Give an overview of your pricing and establish if you like to be paid hourly, project-based, retainer, or anything else. 

7. Your process

Let your potential client know how you work and what they can expect from you and what you expect from them.

8. Thank you 

Summarize what you went over and thank your potential client on the last page. Include contact information on how they can get ahold of you if they have any questions.

Get started with your perfect social media pitch deck

Ready to get started with your social media pitch deck? Download the guide today to get started on pitching your future clients.

Frequently asked questions

All the reasons why you need a social media pitch deck, who it's for and everything you need to include on your future pitch deck.

What is a social media pitch deck?

Who is this social media pitch deck for?

Why do you need a social media pitch deck?

Social Media Pitch Deck PDF

A step-by-step social media pitch deck to help with your presentation to future social media clients.

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