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30-Day Social Media Plan Template PDF

Needing to launch a new product or service and not sure how to market it well on social media? Need help putting together an entire month’s worth of content for your Instagram account? This calendar template will break down day-by-day what you need to create a streamlined and effective social media plan to get the engagement and reach (and sales!) you want for the month ahead.

How to use this 30-day social media plan template?

With any brand or business, you want your social media to be something that people want to follow. But how do you get there? By creating a social media plan! You want your content to be engaging, drive business, and create and establish brand trust with your audience. However, coming up with a plan to make sure that you’re checking all of those boxes and actually reaching the audience you want (and need) to reach—can be the daunting part.

Whether you are trying to grow your existing social accounts or create new ones from the ground up, there is a lot to consider, and you may not understand where to start. We suggest sitting down and coming up with a concrete plan on how you want to tackle your social media growth. To help you do that, we have created a social media plan that you can download to determine precisely what needs to happen during the next 30 days to strategize your social media presence.

We have broken down what needs to be done each day and your corresponding action items so you can create a timeline that includes everything you need to consider for your social media. 

Our 30-day social media plan template was created to help you figure out your exact social media marketing strategy for your account so you can reach your specified audience, create content that they actually want, and help you establish your place amongst your competition online.

Who is this 30-day social media plan template for?

This template is for social media managers, agencies, brands, creators, or businesses who are in need of coming up with a well-thought-out social media strategy for their content online. Our social media plan template gives you small tasks to accomplish each day to make sure your online strategy is pitch-perfect.

During the next 30 days, you’ll learn:

  • How to determine who your audience is and what they want from you

  • How to learn from your competition

  • Create content that is perfect for your consumer

  • Optimize your content for growth

  • Find the perfect captions

  • Find the best hashtags

  • Schedule your content at the right time

  • Establish the best social media strategy for your business

Our template will help you keep track and manage your social media plan every step of the way. As you complete each small task each day, you’ll have a well-planned social media marketing strategy for the month ahead.

What is social media marketing?

Okay, first let’s establish what social media marketing is. It’s using social media channels, like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and TikTok (and so many others!), to promote or sell a brand, product, or service.

The amount of people actively using social media has remained substantial over the past ten years and is not likely to slow down any time soon. With millions of potential buyers actively consuming content on social media, business owners and marketers have swarmed to these platforms to get new eyes on their brands and products.

This is where social media marketing comes into play. Many companies use their social media sites to engage with their customers, develop brand awareness and generate hype around their products—and news flash, it works!

Social media marketing differs from traditional marketing because it's less product and sales-oriented and more focused on interaction. Since the concept of social media marketing was first introduced, there have been many successful examples of this technique. Still, there have also been a lot of failures (your local plumber whose entire feed consists of promotional content, for example).

Social media marketing focuses on engaging your customer in conversation, not selling them something. That's why developing a content strategy that provides value to your target audience is essential.

Why do you need social media marketing?

Well, a lot of people are on social media (duh!). But also, social media marketing can help a lot of businesses:

  • Increase brand awareness

  • Sell products and services

  • Give better customer service support

  • Advertise products and services

  • Build a dedicated audience

And that’s just scratching the surface! With social media, you can reach a lot more people that you wouldn’t have ever reached previously. Especially if you’re targeting your audience correctly, you can have a better understanding of what your audience wants and create items and services that better serve your clients!

Boost your social presence with our marketing strategy template

With this template as your guide, it's easy to put together a great plan that can help:

  • Bring in more followers who will care about your brand. 

  • Give you the knowledge and skills to apply to your broader marketing strategy

  • Create an effective, well-thought-out social media marketing plan

  • Develop a better relationship with your customers

How the 30-Day Social Media Plan is Structured

Week 1 - Lay the foundation

This week helps you establish your goals and determine what you want to get out of your social media efforts. For instance, do you want to drive website traffic? Build a community? Generate brand awareness? 

This week also is designed to help you create quantifiable goals and determine what success will look like. Understanding what you want to get out of your social media marketing and how you will measure it is crucial to developing the strategies that follow.

Week 2 - Deep dive into your business

Week two is about better understanding who you are as a creator or business and how that will translate to the content you create. What tone of voice do you want to communicate through your social platforms? What relevant keywords or hashtags does your brand want to show up for?

Week 3 - Conduct a landscape audit

In week three, you will aim to better understand your target audience and buyer persona. You will learn what their pain points are and what problems you can solve through your content? You will also see what other types of content are performing well in your industry. 

Week 4 - Create a content plan

After you have done the diligence to learn what your audience needs, what is working well for similar businesses, and how you want to position yourself, the fun part can begin! Now you can start creating a content calendar and deciding what content will be created and by whom. 

Week 5 - Figure out the details

Week 5 is about making the most of your content through captions and hashtags. This is where you can decide which hashtags you will use, what your captions will say, and how you will get more eyeballs on your posts (spoiler alert: we reveal how in the PDF.) 

Week 6 - Analyze and engage

Now it's time to see what went well and what didn't and adjust accordingly. Week 5 is about analyzing performance, learning from it, and engaging with your followers. 

What You Can Expect From Our Social Media Plan:

Creating your social media plan is the first step. When you're ready to implement it, there are a lot of avenues that you can use to promote your business. By using our monthly social media plan, you can expect the following:

  • Come up with a comprehensive Instagram growth strategy

  • Come up with thoughtful captions that generate engagement

  • Schedule your content for maximum exposure

  • Create content that resonates 

  1. Make goals about what you want to accomplish with your social media account, then break them into small daily tasks.

  2. Use your social media to help other people in the industry or field you are working in. By helping others, you are likely to gain new fans that can lead to more followers or customers!

  3. Make sure you get active on all the big social media websites. Doing this will increase your chances of success on each site and provide a good platform for contacting people who like or follow your account.

  4. Post regularly but not too often. People will find your account less credible and less likely to follow your updates if you post many different things. You should aim for about 3-4 posts a week.

  5. Remember that social media accounts are a reflection and a way to build your brand. You want to make sure that your posts reflect this image and also show people who you are as a professional.

What is a social media marketing strategy?

A social media marketing strategy is outlining your overall social media goals, how you’ll approach those goals, and the metrics you’ll use to track if your strategy is performing well. When it comes to your social media marketing strategy, you should list out everything you plan on creating, along with the specific goals for each. Why are you creating that content? What is the aim of that content? List it out!

How to Create a Social Media Strategy

When creating your social media marketing plan, there are several things you must do and keep in mind throughout the process:

Know your target audience 

While it may seem like a complex task, it's actually quite simple. Try to get to know your target audience so you can put yourself in their shoes and understand what you need to create to resonate with them. 

  1. The social media platform(s) they use most

  2. What do they like to talk about on that platform

  3. What do they use the platform for

  4. What are they looking for or engaging with?

Decide on your target platform(s) 

Another crucial component of creating a social media marketing plan is selecting the platform or platforms that you want to focus on. This will determine the type of content you will want to create. For instance, if you want to focus on TikTok, you will need to create short, engaging videos. On the other hand, if you are posting on Facebook, you can consider more text-oriented content.

Identify key influencers 

A key influencer can help drive sales, generate brand awareness, and get people excited about your product. When deciding which influencers to partner with (if any), you must consider their industry, follower demographic and whether or not their audience aligns with your target market. When trying to grow your account, you can pay these influencers for shoutouts, send them free products in exchange for posts, or potentially sponsor content they can share. 

Create a social media content calendar

Now that you know what platforms you want to focus on and your target audience, you need to decide what kind of content you want to create. If you are starting out, try various forms of content to see which performs the best, and then do more of what works. Otherwise, consider creating content that has performed well in the past. As a general rule of thumb, your social media content should aim to educate or entertain. Include promotional content sparingly. 


Once you have decided on a platform, consider the time of day your target audience is online by using Flick analytics. If your target audience is active primarily during the morning, for example, then your best bet would be posting in the early morning hours of each day if possible.


Your work is not done after you post your content. The final (and ongoing) thing to do is get involved in your target audience's conversations. This means that after you have posted something like a photo on Instagram, you should go to the section where people can comment on it and participate in the conversation so that your photo reaches more users. Similarly, check your DMs frequently and respond to your users. This will show them that you care and help develop a strong reputation for your brand. 

Tips For Creating the Best Social Media Strategy

  1. Make goals about what you want to accomplish with your social media account, then break them into small daily tasks.

  2. Use your social media to engage with other people in the industry or field you are working in. By interacting with others, you are likely to gain new fans that can lead to more followers or customers!

  3. Make sure you are active on the social media platforms you want to pursue. Doing this will increase your chances of success on each site and provide a good platform for contacting people who like or follow your account.

  4. Post regularly but prioritize quality over quantity. People will find your account less credible and less likely to follow your updates if you post many different things. So, you should aim for about 3-4 posts a week.

  5. Remember that social media accounts are a reflection and a way to build your brand. Therefore, you want to make sure that your posts reflect this image and also show people who you are as a professional.

Get Started With Social Media Marketing

Ready to get started? Take your social media strategy to the next level by downloading our 30-day social media template and scaling your social media today!

Frequently asked questions

The 30-day social media plan template will help content creators, social media managers, social media agencies businesses, and brands build out the perfect social strategy for their social media content online.

Who is this 30-day social media plan template for?

What is a social media marketing strategy?

What is social media marketing?

Why do you need social media marketing?

How long should it take to create a social media strategy?

30-Day Social Media Plan Template PDF

A 30-day social media plan template for your next marketing strategy to help outline goals, tactics you need to achieve the goals, and how to measure your goals.

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